Digitisation and the opportunities that build on it, which are being advanced by the open science movement, are making the sciences more transparent, open and trustworthy. The change towards open science practices is increasingly demanded in science policy and affects the publication culture as well as the information infrastructures. The various facets of digitisation and open science also present the geoscientific community with increasingly differentiated challenges: the requirements and the frequently changing best practices are not easy to keep track of for researchers, employees of infrastructure facilities (specialist librarians and data curators) and scientific societies. Relevant for the German geoscientific community are, for example, the guidelines on Open Access (PlanS) for the implementation of the FAIR principles and the requirements for open data (FAIR and Open Data), the establishment of new persistent identifiers (ORCID, ROR, IGSN), activities of NFDI4Earth or the DEAL contracts. In this context, FID GEO offers services and consultancy for the geoscientific community.
We offer individual and group consultations, workshops, lectures and seminars on various topics related to Open Science for all geoscientists working in Germany.
If you are interested, please contact us.