New journal on mine surveying is online at GEO-LEOe-docs!
From now on, the articles from the journal Markscheidewesen (mine surveying) will be published as a continuous online publication on GEO-LEO_e-docs_. Mine surveying is a mining discipline that deals with the exploration, evaluation and planning of mineral resources, the documentation of mines and the provision of mining-related geoinformation. The German Mine Surveyors' Association (Markscheider-Verein, DMV) aims to increase the visibility and achievements of mine surveying through comprehensive communication. Since 1885 the DMV has published its journal. Since June 2002 it has been called ‘Markscheidewesen’. It is published twice a year and contains articles on topics such as abandoned mines, environmental aspects of mining, mine planning, mining damage, mine surveying, soil and rock movements, renewable geogenic energies, approval procedures, geoinformation, deposit management and spatial planning. Since September, the first articles of the journal are available in the FID GEO repository in open access and are stored as a separate collection called Markscheidewesen. We are pleased about this addition and send our warmest regards to Freiberg.