Save the date: How academic societies (can) promote Open Access
The Specialised Information Service Geosciences (FID GEO) is organising two online events, especially for geoscientific academic societies, to explore the possibilities for promoting Open Access publishing. The dates are: 22 February 2021, 15:00-16:00 and 16 March 2021, 13:00-14:30.
– Please note that the events will be held in German –
Scientific publishing is increasingly changing to free access and re-use, i.e. to Open Access: funders, publishers as well as scientific institutions support this change through a variety of activities and incentives. Academic societies play an important role in this transformation because they help shape publication standards for their respective communities and also often publish scientific journals themselves. With these events, we offer the opportunity to exchange experiences and to address different approaches and current developments in scientific publishing that support Open Access.
Academic society Open-Access-activities beyond journal transformation
22.02. 2021, 15-16 hrs.
Regardless of whether a professional society already publishes journals in Open Access or is not yet even considering an Open Access transformation of its journal, there are many activities that professional societies can develop to support Open Access. The German Geophysical Society (DGG), the German Society for Moor and Peat Science (DGMT) and the Society for Media Science (GfM) will present examples of their work to support Open Access.
The event will NOT be about the Open Access transformation of journals, FID GEO is organising a separate event on this on 16.03.2021.
Open Access transformation of journals of the Geoscientific academic societies
16.03. 2021, 13.00-14.30 hrs
At this event, the German Mineralogical Society (DMG) and the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) will share their experiences with the transition of their journals to Open Access. In addition, other Open Access (business) models beyond the “article-processing-charge” model often used in the natural sciences will be discussed.
These events are aimed in particular at members and boards of geoscientific societies who would like to learn more about ways to promote Open Access. All other interested parties are welcome to attend.
Participation is free of charge and possible without registration.
Detailed programmes of the events as well as participation links will be published on our website under “Latest News” at a later date and announced via our newsletter and on Twitter @fid_geo.